Thank you for 6 great years, Interact CE is no longer accepting new students at this time.
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Innovation that gives you a choice

The Simulation
Play your state-required coursework, sharpen your skills, and have fun

The Classroom
Prefer to read the material? Our classroom module will keep you engaged throughout your studies

Work better with efficiency
Always on the go? Efficiently manage your time by completing your continuing education requirements wherever you are. Waiting at an open house? Take our courses to complete your requirements during your downtime.

Practice makes perfect
Test your skills through real world scenarios and improve your customer conversions. Learn and understand industry standards to generate the most value for your clients.

Deadline approaching?
We got you covered. All you have to do is complete our course and we will take care of the rest. Certificates will be available instantly upon completion and we will send them to your state's real estate commission.

Obtain CE credit
Need a quick and easy way to fulfill your Code of Ethics requirements while also picking up some CE Hours? Here we offer Ethics Adventure, our interactive course that educates REALTORS® on the Code of Ethics while breaking down its 17 articles into story-based scenarios. In addition to the NAR requirements, you’ll also get 3 hours worth of continuing education credit that can go towards your next license renewal.

Fulfill NAR Code of Ethics
Looking for a cheaper way of getting your NAR Ethics training without the CE hours? Here we offer the same story-based interactive course Ethics Adventure, but at a lower price. You’ll experience all of the same scenarios and learning objectives as in the CE credit version, you just won’t be able to use the hours you’ve spent in the course for continuing education credit towards your next license renewal.
Finally, you can actually enjoy renewals.
By your local state commission and
local association of REALTORS®
Pick & choose when to play to clock in your hours.
Coffee shops, the beach, you can take your class anywhere.
In a time crunch? All courses come with instant certification.
What People Are Saying About Us.
Never have I had clock hours go by so quickly. Learn actual day to day real estate activities.
Dale Real Estate Agent
I was engaged at every step and eager to see how much money I could make in the simulator.
Rudy Broker
Interact CE is a fresh, new way for agents to receive their continuing education hours. I encourage REALTORS® to give it a try.
Margo Real Estate Broker
Become one of the world’s best agents.
Level up your skills in our game and in real life. Once you reach the level of mastery, you will earn the opportunity to become designated and accredited as a Simulated Trained Professional.

Coaching For Real Estate Professionals
Sign Up Today and Receive FREE Business Coaching!
Interactce.com has now partnered with 2019 Real Trends Top 500 Broker Jim Remley and eRealEstateCoach.com as our preferred coaching partner! Jim coaches some of the most successful real estate Agents in the nation and is ready to help you move to your next level! As an interactce.com student you will receive FREE Access to one of Jim’s Mastery Courses (a $97 value), a copy of Jim’s book Make Millions Selling Real Estate, as well as a 25% lifetime discount on any of Jim’s coaching programs!
As an interactce.com student, receive FREE Access to one of Jim Remley’s (2019 Real Trends Top 500 Broker) Mastery Courses (a $97 value), a copy of Jim’s book Make Millions Selling Real Estate, as well as a 25% lifetime discount on any of Jim’s coaching programs!
Our money-back guarantee
Each course is approved by the State, The State Real Estate Commission and the State REALTOR® Association. We offer a money-back guarantee on all of our courses. Have fun and don’t worry – when it comes to your license we don’t play!